So lots of you, especially those in the teenage bunch, suffer with breakouts. Whether its chronic acne or just the occasional blemish, a beakout can cause any woman's self esteem and confidence to drop. A few weeks ago I was at the derm with a friend who has been having some issues with breakouts lately. You know what the derm told her to do to help prevent and clear up some of her breakouts?
($14, though you can get it for around $6 at Check it out! ) |
The changes were amazing! The amount of new breakouts that showed up was significantly less, and her currently breakouts improved a bit. What was the overall biggest difference? The tone of her skin had improved so much! It feels cleaner and softer, and the combination aspect of it has lessened!
Do your skin a favor and clean your brushes with a good brush cleaner once a week! Your skin will improve, and your brushes will stay in better shape, lasting you much longer!
Many more hugs&misses to come!
tu amie